Why Join ECCS?

Gain access to an ecosystem dedicated to growing your business opportunities and the market as a whole.

Membership Benefits

Gain access to information

Members get to share experiences and interact with experts in their sectors of interest.

Receive news updates

Members receive updates on ECCS news, members' news as well as updates on key emerging issues and opportunities in the Sudanese and European markets.

Become part of an exclusive business community

Members enjoy access to networks of policymakers, senior officials, and influential business people in Europe and Sudan.

Collaborate for impact

Be part of a collective that looks beyond ROI and engages in environmental and developmental impact projects.

Showcase your brand

Members' brands get featured in key media outlets across Europe and Sudan.

Be the voice of the business

collectively advocate to influence business trade and investment policies and legislation.

Meet potential partners

ECCS facilitates members' meetings with representatives from key think tanks, European chambers, associations, incubators, accelerators, Investors, development partners, and the Global European Business Organizations Network (EBO).